I recently shot a lookbook for the very lovely Consuelo Asper. Her collection is stunning! Very Bladerunner, very much the future if it was the 1940's. Thank you to Marco Antonio for doing the most amazing hair and make-up, Alex Forsey for the frosty lights, Niamh Flanagan Millinery for the hats and to Caroline Parker for the retouching. Our fantastic model is Jessica Ellis at Select.
A recent press shoot I did with Mumford and Sons. We shot in this very old music hall inside a hospital. Marcus sang all day, I loved it. One of the shots was used for the cover of the big issue last week. Check out their music here.
Its January 27th...yikes! I have been a busy bee. Here are some images I found by Lina Jaros who is my new favorite photographer. She is a smart cookie.